

about Fall...

the only good thing about Fall is wearing ripped jeans without sweating through them, and oversized denim jackets.  I can live with weather dipping into the 60s for these reasons, but please do not drop below that.  i can't handle another winter like last!  It is like clockwork, every winter, about January/February i get SUPER sick, and i stay sick until spring.  EVERY YEAR. anyone else hate the cold as much as me? how do you push through it? help me!

jewlery VITALITY
shoes TUK


  1. Rad looks! 👌 Love the menswear shoe & simpley stated trend on over sized jacket. Brava

  2. Of course I am with YOU! I hate Winter, sorry for those who love it but I really can't stand it! Fall, at least here in Lisbon, is that kind of season when we never know what to dress. Today around here is about 30 degrees celcius!
    I wish I could help you my friend <3 but at least I understand you!
