one thing that really irks me about social media (even though i am super addicted) is the constant bashing and judging and putting people down. a comment that i get often is "girl eat a cheeseburger" and im like...ok? just did...? little do they know, i eat, A LOT. and work hard to keep myself and my body healthy, so why make a snide comment like 'eat a cheeseburger" when you do not know my situation, or my life (or my actual obsession with cheeseburgers)
when i saw this crop top by zara terez i knew immediately that i just needed it in my life. because for one, it has a million cheeseburgers all over it. i urge you, though, next time you are perusing your social media feeds, and you have the the urge to leave a comment, that may not be all that nice, please hold yourself back, because something small you say to someone could stick with them for a lifetime. we are not strong, we are molded by things people say to us, criticisms we receive, be kind, always.
crop top ZARA TEREZ
skirt HM
jellies JUJU
photos by ASHLEY
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