
hair hair hair

ok, you guys all know my weave. its a HUGE part of me. literally. im rarely spotted without it.  my hair just doesnt grow. its kinda stuck at an awkward thin style that just doesnt work.  a few weeks ago i was browsing instagram for hair-spiration, as always, and i came across a stylist at ARROJO NYC, Corrinn, and her instagram was filled with amazing cuts/styles that i could only dream of having.  i immediately reached out to her and we set up a meeting.  she is the cutest little thing, with the BEST hair, so i knew i would be in good hands.  we decided to embark on a hair-journey together and im stoked to have you guys follow it with us!  my ultimate goal: to feel confident without my weave, and be able to grow a head of hair i feel good about.

today Corrinn, un-judgingly, listened to my hair styling routine (or lack thereof). She then washed my sad blonde locks with an AWESOME color safe shampoo "color save" and then gave me a whipped conditioning treatment that LITERALLY looks like whipped cream - like the bottle could easily be mistaken for yummy goddess. (speaking of this whipped creation - today only you can get a FREE whipped treatment with any purchase of $60 or more in the online store- JUMP ON THAT!)

after that, she taught me how to dry my bangs without looking like a peacock, AND how to make my hair PERFECTLY wavy without a curling iron or flatiron.  i dont know if i am ready to share that secret quite yet. because honestly im crazy impressed.  she then saw the disastrous state my bangs were in she ever-so-kindly saved the day and gave me the most perfect fringe.

i know i do not have to tell you how important hair-confidence is. you all know that.  im so excited to have found someone who understands my absolutely insane - neurotic - delusional hair state and is willing to help me thorough it. 

Before -- wearing my trusty weave.


hair style/cut CORRINN at ARROJONYC
all products ARROJO

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